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The '15/30 The Capsule Wardrobe Project' challenged consumers to wear only 15 items of clothes for 30 days in an attempt to promote conscious wardrobe management and clothing waste reduction. The project has kicked off in Hong Kong by T Like BubbleTea and was joined by consumers all over the world.

The Redress team were proud to participate as this is a mission close to our own hearts to reduce waste from the fashion industry. Post-consumer textile waste, including secondhand clothes, is high in Hong Kong with 234 tonnes of textile waste entering our landfills on average every day. Globally, we consume 60% more clothes than we did 10 years ago and still people say that have ‘nothing to wear’.

We loved the '15/30 The Capsule Wardrobe Project' because it reminds us to strip back our wardrobes to what we need and cherish and to redefine the true value that we find in our clothes.

Here are the rules and we urge you to have a go yourself!

You can wear:

  • Any 15 pieces form your wardrobe for 30 days
  • Accessories (incl. hats, scarves) /gym clothes/pyjamas/socks are NOT included in the 15 pieces
  • No shopping for 1 month
  • DIY on the existing 15 pieces is permitted
  • Be creative! Have fun!

If you do go crazy and do some wardrobe clearance, remember to recycle your unwanted clothing in clothing recycling banks. 

We're want to see your images of you taking part in this project so please send us your best photos that reflect how you feel and what you look like during your own '15/30 The Capsule Wardrobe Project'.

Earlier Event: 1 February
Research: Profitable Textile Waste