Circular Fashion Education Toolkit

Online Learning Resources for Students and Teachers

News Articles

More, more, more:
overproduction, overconsumption
and fast fashion business models


 A long time ago… A short history of overproduction

 Exploring overproduction: producing faster

 Exploring overproduction: producing cheaper

 Exploring overproduction: producing more

 Exploring overconsumption: shopping habits worth breaking

 Exploring overconsumption: marketing madness

 Exploring overconsumption: the power of online shopping and social media

 Exploring overconsumption: cheap tricks

 Exploring overproduction and overconsumption: environmental problems

 A better future: sustainable production and consumption

Fashion’s dirty secret:
clothing pollution and textile waste


 Material matters: The eco-impact of clothes production

 The lay of the land: deforestation, land use and biodiversity loss

 A deep dive into freshwater scarcity

 The murky truth about water pollution

 Microplastics and oceans: from fashion to the food chain

 Emission impossible: energy, greenhouse gases and climate change

 Textile waste: think before you throw

 NGO, business and Government actions: making a change worldwide

The future of fashion:
innovative technology and circular business models

 The circular economy across different industries

 Creating fashion’s circular economy: designing out waste and pollution

 Creating fashion’s circular economy: keeping products in use

 Creating fashion’s circular economy: recycling

 Creating fashion’s circular economy: upcycling

 Fix up, look sharp: looking out for “greenwashing”

Explore Our Learning Modules

1More, more, more Overproduction, overconsumption & fast fashion business models


More, more, more
Overproduction, overconsumption & fast fashion business models

2Fashion’s dirty secret Clothing pollution & textile waste


Fashion’s dirty secret
Clothing pollution & textile waste

3The future of fashion Innovative technology & circular business models


The future of fashion
Innovative technology & circular business models



Redress is a pioneering Hong Kong based environmental charity with a mission to educate and empower the fashion industry and consumers to reduce clothing’s negative environmental impact by shifting to circular solutions. Our education programme focuses on educating consumers in Hong Kong of all ages about their fashion footprint and empowering them to drive change through circular solutions like buying more responsibly, donating clothes for reuse, or shopping secondhand.



This bilingual education toolkit including a handful of student and teacher resources is funded by the Environment and Conservation Fund and the Environmental Campaign Committee. It was designed in consultation with teachers and curriculum advisors from the English Schools Foundation, the Education Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and our wider network of Hong Kong schools, who provided invaluable guidance, support and feedback.