Impact-Driven Student Videos


In July, we continued with our Video Production workshops, which are being created to sit in our ECF Toolkit. We have already had 43 students join us from 18 schools, who we have engaged to create mission-driven videos in both Cantonese and English that explore the themes of waste, resources and overproduction and consumption. During the workshops students are learning how to produce short, compelling videos with us and our partner Lindsay Robertson from Moonlight Entertainment. . Students have been interviewing Redress volunteers, staff in local Sham Shui Po Businesses, such as WSNXT and YEARS, as well as Redress Design Award Alumni Meiyan Chan to learn more about sustainability and gather content. We will be launching the 6 videos later this year - stay tuned!

Local Teens in NGO Hackathon

Earlier this month we had the pleasure of taking part in Asian Charity Service's TeensGive programme alongside 9 other Hong Kong NGOs. Three students shadowed us throughout the week, sitting in meetings, interviewing different team members on their roles, getting hands on in our clothes sorting and at The Redress Closet and coming behind the scenes at our annual Redress Design Award Photoshoot.

The task was for the participants to come up with their own marketing video, taking part in a Hackathon with the ACS team to hone their skills. Students pitched and presented their videos to a panel of judges. Watch their video here.


A huge congratulations to the winning NGO teams and their teens!

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Corporate Sorting Session

In July, the lovely team at Li&Fung volunteered at one of our sorting sessions. In 3 hours the 14 team members sorted through nearly 1 tonne of donated clothing received through our Takeback programme. Not only have the Li&Fung team helped us with sorting, but also provided valuable insights and recommendations to the team on how we can best market our secondhand clothing to consumers and advice on how to optimise our warehouse, to ensure it's a pleasant and safe place for both staff and volunteers - thank you!

Team Training Sessions

Over the past few weeks, the Redress team have been delighted to take part in training sessions with Knowmium who offer invaluable support to NGOs through their pro-bono initiative, The Giving Speech. Through these engaging sessions the team have learnt and explored valuable skills from presenting with confidence, speaking spontaneously and building better meetings. These sessions couldn’t have taken place without our charity donation partner  Banyan Workspace who kindly opened their meeting room to us. Banyan Workspace members can choose to donate 2% of their monthly fee to Redress to support our work. 

To see Knowmium’s full workshop list click here.
