Brand: Esprit
Collection: Recycled Collection by Esprit A/W 2014
Track code: EJ14
Recycled content: 35% recycled cotton from Esprit’s own textile waste
Estimated savings*: 53% greenhouse gas, 74% water, 18% electricity
Production country: China
R Cert issued: September 2014
*The estimated greenhouse gas, water and electricity savings stated in the above animation were calculated by an independent third party, RESET Carbon. The greenhouse gas footprint was based on an internal assessment from cradle-to-garment-gate. The electricity and water footprint were based on an internal assessment from fiber-to-garment-gate. The comparison was made between Esprit’s 35% recycled cotton and 65% recycled PET T-shirt against a piece-dyed 100% virgin cotton fibre T-shirt. Redress makes no assurances as to the validity of these third party calculations.